I don’t like giving negativity power.
Be the Carrier of the Light.
π ❤ π
I’ll be the first to admit that last night’s training was a little unusual, but there’s no way I could have predicted such an amazing response! During training, I’ve experienced first hand the importance of taking care of my body to get my mind into a state of peak performance.
If I start to feel sluggish, anxious or feel I just can't absorb information as well as I'd like.
When I am, it’s because, I’m forgetting to be kind, compassionate and thanking myself. When this happens, I have to stop a minute to reflect on how I've been taking care of my body.
Sometimes, I have to pull out my yoga mat, and do some stretching exercises for 5-10 minutes or take a brisk 15-minute walk outside. Go downstairs and grab a glass fill it with fresh water and drink a large glass of water. I even take a break, lie down and take a quick 10-minute power nap. I have taken time to meditate for 5-10 minutes, by simply focusing on my breath. Or I have a high protein snack or smoothy.
I’ve focused on avoiding reaching for a sugary or caffeinated drink or high carbohydrate snack, because I have found these can put me first into a higher anxiety state followed by a low energy crash.
When I make a consorted effort to keep my brain in a state of peak performance, I am rewarded with an ability to learn, listen and absorb new information that keeps me at the top of my game.
This months Focus: Live a balanced, purposeful, healthy life; specifically focusing on technique, form, pacing, sport nutrition and mental strength.
Home is where your story begins!!
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