Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Get back to it


"Be who you are and say what you feel, 
because those who mind don't matter and 
those who matter don't mind.” 

A brutal week at work, doesn't give much motivation to train, but after today's bike and swim, I know why I do this. I feel so much better after a hard workout. It is why I do this, to keep myself in check. If I find it hard to get motivated to do all of the things; I use a life-altering experience as motivation.

Like when I felt important and wanted (I commit to building something even better for myself).  Or like being a victim of a toxic relationship (I can focuse on self-improvement), a tragic loss (I focus on their wish for me to go out and live my life to the fullest), aged out of time (I focus on the fact that there is NO age LIMITS, anyone can do it with will-power), or losing something dear to me (I focus on compassion for them not being able to do it). These are what keeps me going. 

One of the healthiest things I do after is get back to the basics: do something for the simple pleasure of doing it. Just, Get back to it.

Home is where your story begins!! 

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