Renounce the Bad Stuff
All the daily routine of life,
our dressing and undressing,
the coming and going from our work
or carrying through of its various operations,
is utterly without mental reference to pleasure and pain,
except under rarely realized conditions.
-- William James
-- William James
My favorite guy captures me working,
On a cold winter day.
I wear my beanie cap with a cup 'o jo
To stay warm. :)
π ❤ π
Scientific research is discovering more and more about the mind-body-spirit connection and our power to heal ourselves through mental imagery. This healing power can extend to the images in our nighttime dreams, particularly when we learn to engage them consciously.
It’s funny, when I first started training for my 1st Ironman, I sought out an Ironman coach. The first thing she told me to do is keep a notepad next to my bed, and when I woke up I immediately write my dreams. She told me that this training experience will “Show up” in my dreams. My dreams are colorful and wild, but reading them is very telling.
So, I did.
I learned through Active Dreaming, I’m not talking about clairvoyance I’m stating that a dream is a way to tell how your brain is processing the information (either new, old or the same). And with the help of your imagination you can see how and what you are learning. You can also discover what healing or guidance this powerful experience provides. Different things often appear and may empower you because it demonstrates something feared which is what, in my case, I am trying to overcome. Those fears. Like last year my fear of water was the biggest obstacle. This year, there are fears of over doing and injury. I take precautions.
In a strange way, my dreams stories demonstrate healing and key information about my life's challenges. Things come up like a health issue or a life goal, or “medicine” based on what “shows up” in my nighttime dreams. By having this focused exercise, of writing/journaling my dreams, it brings me new insights and inspiration…
I continue to journal so I can remember my dreams. Some dreams are beautiful and I don’t want to wake from them, others scare me. The good thing is that I am present to and of my dreams. This exercise helps me with my Ironman training.
Since early 2017, I have dropped my coach and am now training independently. I "Focus on the matter at hand!” Right now, the things that distract me are people trying to push me down, tell me what I can or cannot BE or tell me what to do, especially at work and in swim (for some reason this is where it shows up most for me right now).
I renounce whatever distracts me. By doing this, I get unstuck and helps me move on!!!
In my Ironman training, I choose not to hang around with people I don’t really like or people who make me not feel so good. Those people focus on words that say, it’s “NOT your strong-suit” instead of FOCUSING on what ARE my strong-suits. Sometimes I tell the person, give them a few chances, but if they don’t adjust or can’t seem to stop, I need to step away. And I do, I step away. I am much more healthy; mentally and physically. It removes the anxiety and unnecessary stress. AND that works much better for me. I replace the thought with “what I AM doing.” AND focus on the matter at hand!
I met Susan Piver at a meditation and writing retreat back in 2009. I learned so much about my ability to write and the biggest was to “SLOW DOWN,” to experience and “BE PRESENT” in the “NOW”. That was big, for my driven (hard on myself) personality.
I thank Susan ten-times over for teaching me these simple lessons. Susan invited me to her Open Heart Project she initiated several years ago. She provides weekly meditation and lessons. This one is perfect for today and I wanted to share it with you, because the lesson in it is about “Feeling stuck” and “being with people who may not be good for me.” And that’s just what I needed to hear today. Renounce the bull-shit, to renounce whatever distracts us, for me it is getting unstuck and move on!!! Don’t hang around with people you don’t really like or makes me not feel so good. Here’s this weeks video,
Thank you for supporting me as I train for my 2nd Ironman, the Ironman Mont-Tremblant in QuΓ©bec Canada (IMMT). This is accountability for training progress and stories. The Race is schedule for August 19, 2018.
This months Focus: Live a balanced, purposeful, healthy life; specifically focusing on technique, form, pacing, sport nutrition and mental strength.
This months Focus: Live a balanced, purposeful, healthy life; specifically focusing on technique, form, pacing, sport nutrition and mental strength.
Home is where your story begins!!