Living as if You Matter
Sometimes God pushes us to our limits.
It's because he has greater faith in us
than we have in ourselves.
This is me outside of Hemingway’s permanent residence;
Where he wrote in his writing studio
‘writing studiously’ at least 4 hours each day.
I've been a fan of the writer Ernest Hemingway for as long as I can remember, there's always been something about the incredibly large life he lived that inspired me to become a writer.
My life became even more full, as I journeyed through Key West when Leon surprised me with a Caribbean cruise to bring in the new year several years back (2009). One of the stops was to the island of Ernest’s second home. I learned it was the place where he dedicated most of his writings and many stories aspired from there. I also learned he was raised in Oak Park Illinois, only a hop-skip-and-a-jump away from Wisconsin. He sure had a colorful life full of many spouses, with wild, exotic flair-ups and flings.
Hemingway’s Home
January, 2009
I guess this is what sparked my interest in "The Old Man and the Sea” in 1952, this was written after Hemingway took a break from his travels in Africa. He maintained a permanent resident in Key West. This is the home I toured, and learned of the made-up stories of his strained relationships with spouses and discovered his writing routine. The docents even said, they “could be fairy tales made up, or not.” They liked to keep us guessing.
His daily schedule is something I picked up and use today. I set aside certain amount of time, carve out even 15 minutes, to write, research and read-to-write.
I also learned Mr. Hemingway had set-aside time to conduct active research (I love that applied approach). He would go out during a specific time every day and watch the crowds; sit and listen to people talking and participate in jovial conversations, while jotting down his thoughts in his small notebook.
One of his favorite places to go, ironically, was the Pub. He liked to drink (ha ha). He’d go there every evening; but only after his work in the studio was done. His studio writing comprised of thinking and sometimes even stewing; then carefully wrote. At the pub, he attentively listened to the sailors stories at sea; which inspired his tales.
Earnest Hemmingway’s Writing Studio |
Lately, I keep thinking of a quotation of his from his novel "The Sun Also Rises," in which two characters are talking a little more than halfway through the book. When Mike tells Bill that he went bankrupt, the latter asks how it happened.
"Two ways," Mike replies. "Gradually, then suddenly."
The quote keeps coming back to mind because it captures the path that many take on in fitness and health overall.
It's so easy to make little compromises, drop a run here, skip a swim there, eat a little something that isn’t healthy, or have that extra glass of wine. (Bear in mind that I'm not pointing any fingers, I'm just as guilty of doing each of these things as anyone. In fact, this is written specifically to me). The problem is that before you know it, these little compromises add up to something you'd never have chosen if you'd taken a moment to step back and think about what the impact might be after making them for a long enough time.
Keep at it! |
This is why I write this, to keep my focus on those little positive shifts I am making in my life. And making sure I let myself know, hey, “You can’t do that, you should stop and think before you grab that cookie.” Ha ha!
Before you know it, you are making great strides. I sure can acquiesce to this. It really is never too late.