Saturday, March 24, 2018

IMMT 2018 Lessons Learned - Thoughtful Fix

Training for Ironman Mont-Tremblant!
Another key lesson: mental strength
😍  💘
Here's my recap for this month:
Life is a lot more fun when you’re all smiling, don’t you think? This is something I’ve been focusing on, during my yoga practice. I always hear my Yogi practitioner say, “You all are so serious. You can smile you know.” Some even say, “Put a little curl in the sides of your mouth.” I look in the mirror, since there are mirrored-laced walls at the studio. I see how serious I am while positioning into a pose. I notice how serious I can be when I run. I am knee-deep in my thoughts before I realize how I look: Serious! So, I’ve been focused on planting a smile on my face when I workout.

Another place that brings me to a place I don’t want to be, is when I surround myself with negative people. If you surround yourself with people who belittle your dreams or don’t support you then it is twice as hard to get an idea off the ground. 

I’ve found that life is a lot more fun when you’re smiling. Even in a race, I have more fun when I pass spectators and I’m smiling. The spectators seem to respond more and support me more.

Recap of What I learned and BIG wins for me this month:
  • Be Positive! Manage your inner “voice.” Do an Internal check-in, Think performance, Reflect on the race (self-efficacy), and Talk-the-talk.
  • Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go. Every good quality follows from perseverance.
  • Build Chemistry and Support with a partner, kids, siblings, parents, dogs, and more….Involve family in the process and Keep Those Around you happy and involved
  • The Roger Bannister Method (set benchmarks in each workout daily)
  • Navigating the chaos of M-F to set up the coming weekend
  • Create a Success Mindset and Get Your Mind Out of The Way and focus on Negative Split Thinking
  • This can be easy…  it’s as simple as getting out and doing it.
  • You can quit if you want and no one will care. But you will know for the rest of your life.
  • Anyone doing this sport knows, that when you complete the year-long training and make it to the start, and then finish, you are a champion. 
  • This sport is very much a mental sport, if your head is not in the game, chances are you are not going to make it. 
  • Show up, make it happen and get a place at the start and finish crossing the Ironman line.
  • There’s no perfect training and there are always going to be things that happen.  
  • Just like anything. It is intangible stuff, you have to be tough to endure it.  We all have our doubts and dark moments, especially during the race. And I am a perfectionist, wanting to be my best, put my best effort into all of what I do, all of the time: in training, during the race, all of it. When I slip-up, and don’t do it or put in what I plan, I am way hard on myself. 
  • Going into training and the day of the race, you have to go into it with a mindset that you will make it happen, no matter what happens. 
  • You must have the determination to keep going! Even when you slip up, stop, don’t feel like it, “whatever.”
  • Face your fears. The biggest hang-up is Fear, fear is self-imposed. Behind every fear is the person you want to be. In even the minor detail, you must face your fears and turn it into habits, and you will conquer them.  You create fear; in the same token, you can destroy fear too. It is intangible. 
  • Trust in the heart of hearts.  Trust yourself. Endure the diligence to be successful at it. Look at the small things, (this goes for in life as well) and break it down into smaller pieces. Refine and tweak. Then look at the job you did. 
  • If you put your all into it, then, Today, you can never say you didn’t do enough!  You need to work to BE enough. This is character, your character defines success.
  • Visualize yourself on the course, step-by-step.
  • Always be present during workouts (Yoga) - Being mindful during workouts can reduce stress, boost self confidence and improve the quality of training session. When a person is distracted, you could lose the connection to what you are doing. If you are constantly looking at the clock, rushing through a workout or thinking about all of the things you think you should be doing instead, a person won't feel connected to body. Be sure to give the workout a purpose so that there is something to focus on in the moment.
  • Consistency is key - Consistency is the driver to success. Athletes don't lack effort, motivation, passion, direction or a realistic goal.  Some may lack the ability to stay consistent though. Effort, intensity and duration are nothing without consistency. A person can finish a workout that leaves one feeling accomplished. But if have 4+ additional quality training sessions in the week, you won't gain anything from that 1 workout session. The accumulation of good workouts over and over again will brings results. It’s that simple. It’s not JUST the one great workout that leaves you overly exhausted, sore and possibly sick or injured that works, its consistency. Always focus on the minimal amount of training that is needed to give performance improvements.
  • Never neglect your lifestyle habits - Training works when being mindful (or listening to your body) of your health. Getting restful sleep, to manage stress, eat well, fuel and hydrate smart, then the body works better as you workout. It's easier to stay consistent and you will be motivated to train. The choices made when you aren't training directly impact energy, mood, motivation, recovery and ability to better adapt to training.  Both when training and not are important.
  • Have fun! - This sport is a (in my case) hobby. The sport is not a chore or a job. Training should have a positive impact on the rest of life.  This sport is designed to make a person a better employee, partner, parent, friend, community member, (you name it), etc. Don't lose the "fun" part of training and racing. This is, hopefully, the reason why you got started with this sport in the first place.  Right?
  • Be patient (Patience is a virtue, in anything) - Short-cuts and quick-fixes don't exist in this sport. One must embrace the daily grind, put in the time. Be patient along the way, and relish in the results. It's very easy to quit (or to lose motivation) when you don't see results right away. Accomplishments are seen down the road. Stay patient and don't give up during times of frustration and adversity.
  • The ironman is The perfect storm…It tests your stamina, motivation, and desire. You can overcome challenges to realize your high stake dreams. You find something inside of you, to overcome the obstacle. This makes whole experience rewarding. Set the goal (bar) high, Look at choices during training and Don’t back down. Dedication and determination is required to even finish an ironman.
  • Don't aim for perfection. Don't be so hard on myself. If I miss a workout or need to modify/shorten a workout, it’s okay. It's easy to train when a person has an effective routine that integrates training into life but sometimes "life" happens. An organized life and great time management will help complete training sessions but be OK when the plan doesn't go as planned. Do the best that you can for the day and then focus on tomorrow.
  • Re-baseline SMART goals (6-months in).  Take a look at the goals you made 6 months ago, and readjust and/or reassess if all of the goals match what you want today.
  • Beware of those who share their fears, don’t let their fears become your fears; think smart, be smart!
  • How your day is going. Any answer is fine! If you were able to jump in and start your day off right, wonderful. If you have been procrastinating that’s okay too, don’t feel bad about it!! That is not helpful. There will always be another moment in the day to pick up speed, tomorrow maybe! 
  • The Secret Sauce: Winners Always Show Up!!
  • We all fall down in life. The question is will you get back up?
  • I’m not too talkative in the mornings. I know this, mornings are my time. And once I wake up, usually after my workouts are done, my mind is awake, and I am more chatty.  
  • The more I run, the more I love my body. Not because it's perfect, far from it, but because with every mile it is proving to me that I am capable of more than I ever thought possible.
  • In order to stay ahead of or even at pace, one must constantly test what was DONE, to  what we DO, to what we NEED to do. Which means, baseline, and strive and build speed in progressions. PROVE IT, REFINE IT, and TEST IT progressions. So, today, I begin, Swim, Run and Bike FASTER and TECHNICALLY, SMOOTHER.
  • Don’t compare your time with others, just look at where you are at. Baseline pace, then go from there. Don’t get all stressed out about it.
  • If you are stuck, or can’t seem to get up and get out to workout. It’s as simple as this, wake up in the morning and decide enough is enough! Say, “It is time to make a change!” 
  • My framework is structure and meditation, it keeps both in check.  The ritual of meditation and prayer is a beautiful way to approach all of this.   Continue to learn to decipher juggling between applying, mind management; wisdom. These rituals weave possibility into intentions, positivity into action, and intentions into action for me each moment during each day.  It enriches the experience. Whatever framework you choose, look at it, make the change and apply it. Change is good, make the shift! 
  • Everything around us can affect our everyday lives and our connections.  
  • Surprise yourself! Sometimes you are more in shape than you think. 
Stats this month:

Training for Ironman Mont-Tremblant! 

Home is where your story begins!! 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Hold it together, that is true strength

Om Laghu Bhavam 
(I am lightness itself.)
Anyone can give up, 
it is the easiest thing in the world to do. 
But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, 
that is true strength.

I've never done things the “normal” way. Yes, I graduated from high school and went on to college, but then I didn’t go the normal college route, not right away anyway.

After I had my degree in hand, 5 colleges and 4 cities-and-townships later,  I moved to the little town of Jefferson, settled down with my husband and daughter, and got my first professional career. My first job out of college, to work at a non-profit in Madison, you’ll never guess which one. After two-years of that, I left that job for a “good” one. It was a state job, with benefits and decent pay, and eventually, built my way out from there to the university, making my way up the  latter within government agencies for 10 years, then, eventually I got the courage to leave that job and the courage to change course with my career and start my own business, which felt like a good direction for me. I went out on my own, creating my own LLC as a consultant. And then, again, I floundered a bit, as all new business owners do. Although I enjoyed what I was doing, I wasn’t really making my business work, I had a good two-year contract, then I couldn’t find contracts for several months, they call it sitting on the bench. Then, I’d find another contract for 6-months and it went like that for the years I had my company.

I spent a few years there, fifteen to be exact, traveling state-to-state, on contract, flying out Sundays, sleeping in different hotels, eating unique foods at restaurants and flying back late Thursday evenings. Eventually, I got smart and would walk to the grocery store the day I arrived for the week, and bought the majority of my lunches to stay healthy.

Don’t get me wrong, the people I worked with took advantage of the evenings and traveled with me. We drove to National parks and saw Niagara Falls in New York, toured wine country in California and walked the boardwalk in Virginia, to name a few.  It was probably some of the most interesting places I’ve traveled.

I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life, but this wasn’t it, yet I felt I had no choice. I often felt directionless and downright miserable. I went with the flow. 

I took a break from consulting, mid-way through. Stopped taking contracts. Instead, I wrote a book, then another, soon, I had 5 children’s books published. I created a marketing campaign, nothing formal, just winged it. Headed to Sundance with Staci, the Oscars, National Library association conference, New York Book Exchange, and Orange County Book fair. I went to local schools and libraries and read to kids, made an animated short film, and even a documentary of women, called Advice from Extraordinary Women. Eventually, on stage presenting in South Africa to the Women's Advancement Forum, and became the Ambassador for Women Advancement. All of these things lead to new friends, opened doors and gave me new insight.

I went back to consulting, since I needed money.  I took short contracts, to get me through.  Soon, I started drawing again. I took an advance drawing class at UW Madison, and that stirred new approaches and I got out my paintbrushes again.

Eventually, my time as a Consultant was through, I headed back to work for an international company full time. I work a variety of projects in the banking industry, finding that I actually enjoyed settling into my role, and working with different groups, even though it was and is chaotic and siloed, only flying out meet with executives a few times a year.

I enjoyed the job, the money is great, and after some time I was settling in. During this time I started talking to an executive mentor within the company, who I hoped would give me some guidance and hope, and within a few months.

Finally after a few more years and a series of events that included serious health events in my family, even though I still had a full time job, I started diving into my art again, with a more serious attitude and actually started showing my art out in public.  I started doing all of the things I was passionate about, writing, art, and working out. This time with greater clarity about what I wanted to do, why, and how could I do it.

It didn't happen overnight, but with time and hard work, everything around me started to grow. I spend my days doing work I love and hanging out with my daughter and husband. It feels great, it feels right, and it’s exactly where I’m supposed to be.

We don’t have to struggle to shed our burdens,
all we need to do is expand our awareness.

Looking back over my experiences I realize there is one word I’ve carefully left out when describing my journey, and it’s one that showed up whenever I felt held back or trapped. 

That word is “should.”

Sometimes “should” showed up alone, other times it was accompanied by its close personal friend, “not.” Either way, whenever should was around, my life suffered.
  • “I should get a full time job with benefits after college, that’s the right thing to do.”
  • “I should not move to a new state without having a job lined up.”
  • “I should try to please other people first.”
  • “I should not pursue a career that is so out there. What will other people think?”

My friend gave me very good advice one day (several years ago), when sitting in her living room chatting over coffee.  She said, whenever you hear yourself say “should” that is a warning sign.  Stop and take “should” out of your sentence. Because should gets you in trouble.

I quickly realize, that when I ignore the “should” things become lighter. I actually don’t have to believe every single “should” because it drives you further from doing what makes your heart sing.  A lot of times the “should” is trying to satisfy someone else, I try to break free from the game of the “should”.

Next time you hear yourself saying you “should” do something, try saying, “I hear you, but I don’t believe you, so I’m going to think about something else now.”

There are days, I still struggle with telling myself I should or shouldn’t do certain things, but I’ve made great progress. I really believe that everyone will feel more content, confident, and in touch with their true selves if they can learn to do things because they want to, not because they should.

The Labyrinth of Life
Show Up
You are exactly
Where you are meant to be.

Today, if you’re confronting an issue for the ten thousandth time, or feeling that your life is going nowhere, or panicking over how little you’ve achieved, stop and breathe. You’re not falling behind on some linear race through time. You’re walking the labyrinth of life. Yes, you’re meant to move forward, but almost never in a straight line. 

Yes, there’s an element of achievement, of beginning and ending, but those are minor compared to the element of being here now. In the moments you stop trying to conquer the labyrinth of life and simply inhabit it, you’ll realize it was designed to hold you safe as you explore what feels dangerous. 

You’ll see that you’re exactly where you’re meant to be, meandering along a crooked path that is meant to lead you not onward, but inward. 

Artist Statement (In Progress)
“If you are always trying to be normal, 
you will never know how amazing you can be.” 
~Maya Angelou

Working on new ‘combined’ artist statement: (this is a start, but still reworking it).  What do you think?

Kim Groshek is an artist and writer who believes in better living through a simple smile, spirited colors and kind words. She creates uplifting and symbolic story art; and when she doesn’t have a paintbrush in her hand, she can be found riding her bike, running, swimming, practicing yoga, reading, with her daughter and/or husband, or walking outside on the nature trails. 

Thank you for your support and friendship!


Warmly, Me

Training for Ironman Mont-Tremblant! 

Home is where your story begins!! 

Thursday, March 8, 2018

The Selfie Story in the Airport Terminal

You can learn a lot in the airport Terminal
Ask not what Wine has done for you 
but rather what you are willing to do for some wine.

THIS is me! I need advice, nevermind, I already did the stupid thing. (Ha ha)**Note: I missed a bunch of posts because made them invisable and couldn’t find the start of her posts, but they were hilarious. So, I had to share them with you!!!
***Begin of the middle of their conversation... Time to write a book Judes! 

Squeal!!! “We” (they) both agree that tennis is better than skiing because the outfits are better! I didn’t know those two sports were often compared.....

Squeal!!!! We are now taking usies (group selfies for those not in the know). I’m going to offer to take it so they invite me along for shots. I will miss them if they leave me

I think "That Guy" has made our area the place for the Great one wants to come back here or serve us overpriced snack boxes or drinks. My fellow gang members and I are all peeking up there, peeking down the aisle, etc. We know they see us. Thanks alot, "That Guy". I mean seriously, could you all imagine how much better this story would be with me having had a drink?!?!?!

They came to the area of the Great Unwashed! "That Guy" asked for a free drink for the inconvenience he experienced. One of my fellow gang members used his stage voice to say "We are the ones who deserve a free drink". I love my fellow gang members.

Houston, we haven't had a problem after all.
"That Guy" has actually been on the Wifi....#SheBoss flight attendant just figured it out. "That Guy" (you know, the Tech Savvy one) was trying to stream a video. He apparently didn't see the wifi connection icon or the note that popped up when you login that streaming videos will not be allowed.
My fellow gang members are baffled by this sudden turn of events. I believe one of them just said he wasn't Tech Savvy but Tech Sadly.

I think it's time to land this plane; I'm glad I will drive home alone.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Things I enjoy doing in the springtime! \_(ヅ)_/

It is spring again
Never give up, not because you still have tomorrow to try, but because you may not have tomorrow to try.
My musing writing group offers ideas for Spring Equinox. We write stories, draw pictures, write ideas about wilderness, human nature, and mindfulness. This includes nature, the writing life, community service, meditation, creativity, grief and loss, inspiration, or whatever else emerges. 

Today, I write a list of all the things I enjoy doing outside in the springtime.  
Spring is around the corner! We look forward to warmer days, flowers and more opportunities to get outside and play. Some people like the winter season. Others find it bearable. I don’t fall into either of those categories. I can live without snowboarding or skiing. I use to be the opposite, but things change. Early spring is still chilly, rainy and sometimes ugly. However, once it starts to get warmer outside and the sun starts to really shine, I’m the happiest person in the world. 

I find some time to enjoy each season. And today, I focus on spring because those memories are likely to keep me going for the rest of the year. Here are a few things I am penciling in for springtime:
  1. Go for a run. Go Running outdoors on the trail or anywhere 
  2. Take a long walk on the trail
  3. Or go for a bike ride. Ride the bike trail with Leon (our regular route of 20 miles) and stop in-between to have lunch, sprawl out the paper they have for customers and read, while eating our sandwiches and catch up with Leon, chit-chat.
  4. Bike to Madison. Day-trip there, overnight in Madison, Day-trip back home.
  5. Wake up early and open the windows to listen to the birds wake up and catch the spring breeze
  6. Sit on the deck and soak in the sun
  7. Swim in the lake (wetsuit of course) with Leon paddling beside me in the kayak
  8. Hike at Parnell tower, Devils Lake and Door County Peninsula state parks
  9. Sit outside on a chair reading a book; watching Leon plants something green or colorful in the garden
  10. Sit outside at a café or coffeehouse enjoying the breeze on my face and people-watching is fun too
  11. Swing on the swings at our park
  12. Skip stones across the lake (rock, sandy beach)
  13. Sit outside on the porch and listen to and enjoy the rain
  14. Sit outside and notice the trees budding colors
  15. Sit outside and listen to the birds singing
  16. Visit the zoo, brings back fun memories of when Staci was a child
  17. Stargaze, late spring
  18. Paint, on canvas easel, outside back-deck
You wouldn’t catch me on a blanket outdoors looking into the night sky in March.  But maybe in May or June, depending on the weather. Nothing makes me happier. 

Finally, this spring, take a moment to slow down, get off the device, put away the phone, lie down and remind yourself how small you really are.

Training for Ironman Mont-Tremblant! 

Home is where your story begins!! 

Friday, March 2, 2018

IMMT Mar 2018 Lessons Learned - Morning fix

Training for Ironman Mont-Tremblant! 


"Life is all about balance. 
You don’t always need to be getting stuff done. 
Sometimes it’s perfectly okay, 
and absolutely necessary, 
to shut down, 
kick back, 
and do nothing." ~Lori Deschene

Another key lesson: Trust Yourself!

😍 💘
Me after finishing the 10K run
3rd place in AG
Here's my recap for this month:
Things are starting to get really intense! Am I nervous? Absolutely! But at the same time, I am excited to be a part of this wild experience. I have learned so many great lessons in the short amount of time I’ve been a part of this amazing team. Never have I before have been equally excited and terrified of what obstacles I’ll face over the next few months. I constantly have to remind myself to slow down, and practice my yoga breathing - like I do on the mat. Over the years my teachers have taught me that the true practice of yoga begins when we leave our mat and take those lessons into our world. Learning to be calm and gain control over your breath is so critical in this role. Another key lesson - TRUST. I am so lucky to be a part of a group of people who I trust with my life, and I hope they have the same trust in me. I am thankful for everyone’s support. 

Some say that training for an Ironman the second time around is easier. This is not my case nor my experience. This time around poses additional challenges. I’m confronted with more “personal challenges” as I get deeper in the sport. It impacts other areas in my life. My focus is off. Trickles into my personal free time, impacts my sleep, dampens my spirit-and messes with my work. This time around continues to bring up old stories and similar experiences and conversations I had from my middle school years. Similar conversation, same old behavior pattern as a result. 

Not good… I’m trying to adjust, and react different, and it’s a challenge, but, it’s working.

My swim coach, is coaching me through it in the pool. I am hard-pressed to keep with it on the BIKE and RUN. The times when I get stopped or avoid coming to practice all together.  My swim coach wants me to be there to train. And when I’m there, to have my head in the game. Then, I get my act together, and do it. That’s all it takes, just get in the water, on the bike, to the trail and go!

As I train, and when I am struggling with a task, I remind myself of why I am doing this, and all of your positive encouragement. 

I have a long way to go and so much more to learn...practice, practice, practice! 

Trying a Healthy New Dish
Spinach Pilof
Recap of What I learned and BIG wins for me this month:
  • Life doesn’t stop, keep doing the other things you love while training. It’s okay to do other things, like travel, my art, read, dance, create, produce, etc. Last year I missed out on a few opportunities to travel with friends because I was so worried about NOT training or my training schedule would get out of wack. This year, I have discovered that training for an Ironman is a lifestyle and I have learned to “fit it in” along with all of my other things I like to do in life. 
  • It’s the small changes for a better life. Small tweaks can transform you. 
  • Be aware of your dreams, learn through active dreaming. Writing your dreams down, can help you discover what’s going on in your training, what you are learning and guide and empower you to understand what you are dealing with and overcoming (a lot of times it is your fears and biggest obstacles).
  • Enough with the Negative Self-Talk! Do not give negativity power. Make it a consorted effort to keep your thoughts Positive! You are rewarded by doing this.
  • Empower yourself! Your head has to be in the right place, to keep moving forward. It is never too early, or too late, to add healthy habits, you have to choose each day, over-and-over and over every single day. 
  • Don’t just accept where you are in life. If you want better, Do better. If you want to be more,  Do more. It’s all on you. Do It!
  • All great achievements require time, energy and consistency. There's just something about digging down deep and going that extra mile and pushing your body to go longer and harder than you ever have. Just when you are ready to give up, go a few extra steps and see how it feels. It's not usually crowded where you're going…
  • Do whatever it takes to get there. When People Ask Me, “What do you do? I say, “Whatever it takes.” You can’t build a reputation On what you are going to do.
  • Carving out a little time each day, to make more clarity around what you want, outside of the Ironman training. Connect with the right people to support you as you go after it and then NAIL it.  To achieve “the next level” you have to have clarity. Start and Do Not quit.
  • To win is not important. To be successful is not even important. How to plan and prepare is crucial. When you plan very well and prepare very well, then success can come on the way. Then winning can come on your way.
  • Make it your business to know yourself; It is the most difficult lesson in the world. And this is one of the MOST intense lesson I learned this week. That is, I really like working out solo. I take my workouts seriously and need that alone time to really focus my energies on channelling my emotions. When I workout with groups, other people, they expect me to be chatty and social, but, it’s not easy for me. When I work out, I’m there to be serious and workout hard, put everything into my workouts. And I find it almost distracting and even irritating when others try to talk to me. I zone them and everyone, everything out. I’m very intense. It becomes very intense for me.
  • Maybe instead of being here to get things right, we’re here to learn to love the mess that in our life. If that’s the one thing I get right this year, it just may be enough.
  • Running has always been a relief and a sanctuary — something that makes me feel good, both physically and mentally. For me, it is as much about the health benefits as it is about the joy it brings to my life. I have to remember this, kind of get reground on this thought. Because at times I forget.
  • Reach, Stretch and Grow! It doesn't hurt to go back and relook at something you learned, adjust, tweak and make it even better. 
  • There's one thing I'm learning from this ironman training experience, is that I'm gaining great new habits, like swimming and this year focusing on speed on the bike and conscientiously eating. I have a more integrated day with great workouts; rather than "just" running. I swim a lot and use cork ear plugs and they have been working fantastic. A year ago, I had all sorts of problems with my goggles staying on the whole time and having problems with water in my goggles. No more. Today was an endurance swim, long easy strokes through the whole swim. I felt pretty good today.
  • There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what? Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.
  • I am learning, more and more, that leadership Starts with your individual example. If you are wondering why people are the way they are to you, it may be because of how you are to them. It begins with you.  This is something that resonates in my life, especially these past several months. How I act is how people treat me. Very strange concept in many ways; but, very true.  It’s always good to look in the mirror. And many times you don’t even know how strong your words are to others. Sometimes when you say something and see a reaction, I go to my bathroom, later, and say the same thing in the mirror to myself. I can really see how the words hit.  Words are strong! Words are also impactful (good or bad). This goes for the ‘words’ and ‘stories’ you tell yourself about yourself.  Crazy stuff, but it’s there. There is one thing I know is that “I’m a really good story-teller,” this goes to the stories I tell myself.
  • And Then it Happens… This pretty much sums it up, a day in a life of a workout. One day you wake up and you’re in this place. You’re in this place where everything feels right. Your heart is calm. Your soul is lit. Your thoughts are positive. Your vision is clear. You’re at peace, at peace with where you’ve been, at peace with what you’ve been through, and at peace with where you are headed.

Home is where your story begins!! 


Project Managers vs. Product Managers: You Might Be Both

In large organizations, the roles of project and product managers are often clearly delineated, each requiring distinct skills and responsib...